At a young age, when the body is still full of strength and energy, some dietary restrictions can indeed be somewhat ignored.
If a young person's digestive system is healthy and functioning properly, he can eat almost anything. Of course, you need to know the measure and not to pile on the fast food, sweets and other "harmful" products, otherwise the situation can quickly change.
But people of the older generation, adhering to the rules of healthy eating is a must. It is especially important to limit the intake of salt, because large amounts of this product can cause hypertensive crises.
All people over fifty years of age, in order to prevent osteoporosis, it is very important to eat food rich in calcium.
People who are over 70 ought to do exercises at least 20minutes daily to keep up and stay healthy
Nothing is more important to the human body than oxygen, so walks in the fresh air are extremely useful. They not only improve mood, but also relieve stress
Walking in the fresh air is very useful in a bad mood, severe stress, fatigue. It is very important for the modern man. A nice clean smell promotes relaxation, improves mood, and the smell of trees reduces the feeling of fatigue and stress. With a slow walk, a person begins to feel calm and happy. He is left alone with the beauty of nature and his thoughts, which allows you to get the maximum benefit for the nervous system. The best place for hiking in the fresh clean air is some park.
An hour and a half walk in nature reduces the activity of the brain area responsible for negative emotions. Scientists noted that people who live in the countryside are less prone to negativity and depression
Fiber contained in foods rich in plant proteins supports healthy intestinal function, ensures the binding and removal of toxins from the body, and helps normalize blood sugar levels.
These foods tend to have less fat and fewer calories. That is why they are digested faster than foods of animal origin. Plant proteins are easier to digest than their meat, fish, egg or milk equivalents.
Foods with this type of protein are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients not found in animal foods.
Plant-based foods do not contain cholesterol and saturated fats, which often cause various diseases.
Foods rich in plant proteins are necessary for people who are overweight and have high blood cholesterol levels, people with high blood pressure, pathologies of the digestive system and cardiovascular diseases.
Calcium has a variety of effects on the human body. This macronutrient is involved in the excitability of nerve tissue and muscle contractility. Tingling in the wrists and feet, as well as leg cramps and muscle spasms are signs of calcium deficiency.
✅Promotes blood clotting because, along with other substances, it is involved in the formation of blood clots that clog up areas of damaged tissue.
✅Blocks the absorption of saturated fats in the stomach and intestines. This property makes calcium a good helper in the fight against cholesterol.
✅It is part of tissue and cellular fluids, nuclei and membranes.
✅Influences the permeability of the latter.
✅Stabilizes heart function.
Main sources of calcium: milk, hard cheeses, chia seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, milk chocolate, etc.